This page has many items you need throughout the year. When are the trash holidays with no pickup on our garbage day (Monday)? What can I recycle?
We hope we cover the items you may need at your fingertips. If you know of something that would be helpful, let us know.
We hope we cover the items you may need at your fingertips. If you know of something that would be helpful, let us know.
Our new waste hauler is GFL USA. Below are a few links that might be helpful.
It has been confirmed that the BLUE CANS DO NOT GO IN THE STREET.
Canisters should be placed on the boulevard, between the street and sidewalk (grass area) at the curb edge. Don't put anything in front of the can. The trucks arms will not be able to grab the can to empty. Place at least 1-2 feet between cans so arms can grab cans without knocking the other over. REMINDER: Blue cans should be placed out of sight per City Ordinance.
ON TRASH DAY - DO NOT PARK IN THE STREET between 7AM and 7PM - even if the trash bins have been emptied. Tickets will be issued. The City will be taking advantage of the clear streets to send the street sweepers to neighborhoods and also send tree trimmers to subs (so vehicles don't hamper this effort). |
DEARBORN HEIGHTSLisa Hicks-Clayton, Councilwoman
Click for => E-Newsletter 2017 Holiday Trash Delay Schedule
(as it affects GMCA) Labor Day (9/04) Christmas Day (12/25) Put trash/yard waste/recycle out on Monday for Tuesday Pick Up |
HAZARDOUS WASTE DAYSWestland Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Saturday, August 12, 2017 - 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Westland Shopping Center 35000 Warren Rd., Westland Please click here for more information. THINGS TO DO |